Collection: Griswold Cast Iron

111 products

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Griswold History and Product Line

The very earliest Griswold Foundry pieces were made using the "Erie" logo.Β  They are heat ring style skillets, are light as can be, and are awesome to cook with.Β  They were made into the early first decasde of the 1900's.Β  The iconic Griswold cross style logo began to appear in the 1910's with the "slant logo" version and heat ring.Β  In the 1920's (or so), the "Block logo" with heat ring was produced up and into the 1930's when the heat ring style was abandoned for the smooth bottom skillets.Β  There was both a large block logo and small block logo that were made up until the 40's when they were purchased. Β 
The foundry was eventually purchased by Wagner in the 1940's and is no longer in existence.Β  Here are some direct links to our current Griswold pieces for sale based on cast iron style.