Skillet Sizing Chart

Skillets: These sizes are GENERAL and not specific to each brand. For specifics, please refer to the images on the product page for measurements

Skillet Size General Diameter Recommended for: Hard to find? Price Chart
2 5 Inches Frying eggs, small sides VERY $$$$$
3 6 Inches Frying eggs, small sides NO $
4 6 Inches Frying eggs, small sides Somewhat $$$
5 7 Inches Side dishes, sautees, single grilled cheese NO $$
6 8 Inches Side dishes, sautees, omelletes NO $
7 9 Inches Side dishes, sautees, omelletes Somewhat $$
8 10 Inches Proteins, stir frys, larger side dishes NO $
9 11 Inches Proteins, stir frys, larger side dishes Somewhat $$
10 12 Inches Proteins, stir frys, larger side dishes Somewhat $$$
11 13 Inches Proteins, stir frys, larger side dishes Yes $$$$$
12 14 Inches Large proteins, full pound of bacon, etc... Yes $$$$$
13 15 Inches Large proteins, full pound of bacon, etc... VERY $$$$$$$$$
14 16 Inches Large proteins, full pound of bacon, etc... Yes $$$$